Hey all!

While I might be living in the Lower 48 right now (at least for the moment…), I lived up the Interior for years, right in and around the “city” of Fairbanks, Alaska.
Even since having to move I’ve visited my many friends in the years after, so I’m also thoroughly familiar with Anchorage, Homer, Sitka, and Homer, as well.
In other words, Alaska is in the heart. While the nickname Big Iowa hit me early on because I met a bunch of former Iowans in my first couple months up in AK all the way back in 2003, the nickname was Big Alaska any time I vacationed out of state.
I loved the state, and since I made a living playing poker for a while…I mean it’s a hell of a poker nickname
So hi. I’m Shane “Big Alaska” Dayton, and I want to help answer all your questions about the state that I love.
After spending a decade in various places online answering comments, emails, questions on web 2.0 properties and old blogs that may or may not exist anymore, it occurred to me that hey if after so many years people keep asking me these things…maybe I should start a site.
I know, I know. Duh.
Give me a break, sometimes I’m slow on the obvious.
But Alaska is a state that is so hard to define, so unlike any others, it’s just a place I love and adore and if I can help bring out more practical useful information that may help other good people experience what The Last Frontier has to offer, then I’m 100% all for that!
So please – stick around, kick up the boots, and read on through what this blog has to offer.
Welcome to My Alaska Adventures!
I hope they inspire you to do the same!